
The Package
I was really hoping the package would end up being The Doctor; I've been trying to convince people that Lost is really just a six season set up for an American Version of Doctor Who.

Its the whole 'air of believability' deal, I can believe there is a mystical island with a magic light house and defunct research stations but I can't believe a French Scientist would give up her career to become a struggling single mother in LA. Even if she were to give up her career why not live in Paris instead

Yes, far from impossible, but I still fill like they left Rosseau out of the equation with alternate Alex. I could understand that maybe because she was pregnant they left her in LA or they missed the Island all together. I still don't think someone can go from a Scientist to struggling single mom. It felt too much

So in the normal time line Russeau is part of a French Research Team who are sailing across the South Pacific for whatever reason. In the alternate time line she is a struggling single mother living in LA? That did not make any sense to me what so ever and seems as though they disconnected that Alex's real