Thanks, J Mann and Kodiak. I had never heard of her before.
Thanks, J Mann and Kodiak. I had never heard of her before.
Hugh's haircut made sure nobody paid attention to his eyebrow(s). Hillary's twin sister Mary Sue apparently had a similar strategy.
Just to make sure I understand this correctly: One of the milestones in her life was being the only woman around when The Pelvis wanted some random action? And that's what qualified her for the episode about dating? Or did I miss something?
I appreciate the AV Club occasinally dropping in on shows otherwise ignored here very much. Phil apparently has seen several episodes; at least enough to basically know what's going on. But of course he's obviously wrong with his overall assessment of the show being boring. :)
Yeah, the serious stuff never really works on this show. The dead mother thing feels like a stale leftover from early first season when the writers still needed different options to figure out where to go. I hope it gets resolved once and for all within the first episode of season four. (Season four! Amazing.)
I believe the last time blackface was done on TV was in 2009 with Roger Sterling in Mad Men's "Old Kentucky Home", wasn't it?