
This is the first episode of The Simpsons in probably five years that i've really enjoyed. For all the reasons stated here, and the poke at the police not negitiating what they pay for their equipment (but the school has a 30 year mortgage on the copier) was a great bit of satire. Love The Simpsons with a bit of

Good question, I know they had a falling out early on in the show (season two or three maybe) it's not in a particularly noticable spot (upper thigh I think) so it's probably still there.

After Hannah and the other origional gal on the show (her name escapes me at the moment) left, it just got tedius. It became more about the drama and less about the tattoos. Which some people obviously liked more, but I couldn't care less about. Loved the tattoos, Hannah, Corey, the other gal, all that. Hated the

I was really hoping this would be at least decent. Saw the movie poster and thought it looked Ok. Then I saw a preview and realized it was Blair Witch on the Moon. :(

Winning Look
I thought the winning look was great. The first time ever that I've watched PR and thought "I would actually buy that".

Just over a minute and a half. Up until the point he's walking around in (i'm assuming) his suite at the Plaza. This guy needs to be drug out in the street and shot. Not necessarily killed, just badly wounded.

Just over a minute and a half. Up until the point he's walking around in (i'm assuming) his suite at the Plaza. This guy needs to be drug out in the street and shot. Not necessarily killed, just badly wounded.

Hopefully this movie isn't as depressing as the book (yes, it's a book about the holocaust, it's not supposed to be a laugh riot). But the main story about Sarah and what happens to her brother is so sad it depressed me for weeks.

You've obviously never had a phone call from a doctor letting you know that your STD tests came back negative.

I agree with the music selection, a very played version of The Lord of the Rings or something. Only it's for kids, and they care fuck all about the music in cartoons.

Shouldn't there be a general warning before ALL Kanye West videos for people not to watch them ever?

I giggled at the whole "sucking shrimp head" comment too. It put some really fucked up pictures in my head though.

Sesame Street
Anyone else really excited about the muppets? Elmo and Cookie Monster are OK, but I've always LOVED Telly. Nice to see him elbowing his purple ass into the spotlight. Looking forwared to next weeks episode.

I think it all started with the Aly McBeal dancing CGI baby, the really creepy one that everyone thought was so "cutting edge" in the 90's even though it looked just like the CGI baby from Trainspotting only it was dancing. Too fucking creepy for me.

Tiffani's parting comment
Was Tiffani really out in Season 1 and decide to remind everyone of that fact as she was booted, or did she just out herself? Her "I'm really glad to be going back to my girlfriend" comment was kinda strange. My husband was walking out of the room at the time and was literally stopped in his

Jenny McCarthy
HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE that stupid bitch. She's really the only "celebrity" I wouldn't feel bad about being stalked. And then killed by said stalker. That would be okay.

Ravencrest / Exhume

Been playing since the beginning, and while it's annoying to have all these changes when you've been slogging through and doing all of the boring quests, it's extremely fun and worthwhile to start anew and see all the changes. Just when you think you're out, Blizzard pulls you back in.

No, Utah. Please no multiple husband jokes.

I drink out of the Disney ones that McDonalds put out literally every day. God dammit. And to think we were worried about BPA in our plastic. Mother Fuckers.