
Eheheheh. Anthony Lane at "The New Yorker" filets this opening (and the book) with expert skill. One of his best movie reviews…:).

Hee. I honestly thought his character was Scottish when I first saw this. Hadn't read the book; somehow missed his initial introduction; and since everyone constantly referred to him thereafter as the Camerlengo, well…;)

If they write this smart, the black guy should have to do some saving. It's unlikely the Black Panthers or Marcus Garvey's movement or black ex-Union soldiers or NYC Civil War Riot survivors would be cool with Rufus' travelling companions.

REVOLUTION was cursed with "world of jerk" characters as well, so there's that…

1) Shall I place bets now that Flynn is Lucy's dad?
2) Though I liked this pilot a lot, it's hard to see how the ever-changing timeline wouldn't become a mission nightmare after a while. Hard to believe that even five minutes of Flynn and Lucy's teams walking around in the past wouldn't have

Heh—a shame they apparently won't meet HP Lovecraft. Rufus dueling him would be a faceoff for the ages. ;)

Um…how the devil did WAR ROOM not make this list? Arguably the most preachy, insulting, you-non-believers-are-gonna-_burn_ right-wing Christian movie of the year.

Wild Wild West. Shame on you.

*mutter* It so bites that New Jersey doesn't have an Avengers Initiative
of its own and is always lumped in under the Stark Posse's turf. When I
think of all the cool places they could fight to save (Manaloking.
Plainfield. Even Westfield. :) and the nifty lighthouse lairs they could
have, I weep for a missed

Honest to God, you don't have Marvin Gaye's "Distant Lover" on here? Or Kool And the Gang's "Summer Madness?!" Talk about no diversity on a site. :P

African-American shows helped put Fox on the map—and were promptly dumped when the net wanted more upscale white eyeballs. Now EMPIRE is the biggest success Fox has had in ages—and is saving it from a disastrous/lame run of shows. Funny how that works…

A nuke-powered fridge just fell on both you guys, rendering this conversation moot. (Thank God.)

I never saw "A Million Ways To Die In The West," so was he better in that?

Hmm, "Captain Phillips" and "Charlie Wilson's War" is probably as close as Hanks will ever get to this genre.

Gah. I'm a peaceful person, but I will seriously beat you stupid for this.

Yeah, I figured he was working off his grief by working. :( He definitely needs to do some indies or something for sure, though.

Matt Drudge regularly links to Deadline. I think Breitbart's site does too…

Hey, where's CRIMSON PEAK? Been looking forward to that for ages…

You gotta give STALKER credit—it is consistently more hilarious than all of this season's cancelled comedies put together. Watching McDermott wander around grimly because his character is a disaster/gives him nothing to work with is a hoot right there. But when you have looney plots featuring being-stalked college

The rabidity of his fanboys is in direct proportion to the lack of real competition Nolan has in the smart blockbuster department. When only one relatively-young director seems to even be trying to deliver intelligent entertainment (and you aren't seeing anyone else coming down the pike who will even have a chance to