
Ugh. "The Prestige" has to be the most bloodless cold movie ever about obsession. How is that possible? The leads might as well be playing a scaled-down steampunk game of Risk for all the emotional impact their battle has. I'd pinpoint that as the film where Nolan let his love of gamesmanship/overplotting swamp his

Come now—did it distract them more than Tyler Perry showing up in "Star Trek?"

Hey, you forgot that LL's parrot got killed. He was pretty much another character. :)

LL Cool J survived in "The Deep Blue Sea" thanks to preview audiences getting irate when he died and the "bitch" herione didn't.

I used to think "Torchwood" had the worst sci-fi ensemble I'd ever seen in terms of annoying characters and boring actors—until I got a look at MAOS.

Shoot, any episode of ''Sherlock" is a master class in how to do "death by a thousand exquisitely-condescending conversational cuts." :)

A shame you weren't being an uber-hipster and using a vintage typewriter (yep, that's a trend). You could have brought that down on their dumb-ass condescending heads.

Heh. Holmes vs. Marie Laveau would be a hoot, however….

Hee. Lucky for him he apparently never tormented anyone with OCD and a hair-trigger temper.

This is what happens when the 1%'s kids get a near-lock on artistic resources and distribution. Their sense of perspective is already warped, and getting steady work handed to them keeps them from ever seeing how reality works for anyone not like them.

Now, now—he could have confessed love for "Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip."

And the Curse Of the Multiple Cliffhanger strikes again…:)

_Thank_ you. It's hard enough to figure out the correct order those scenes should have been in—and by the time you do, you're scrambling to catch up with the character beats and how you're supposed to feel about them. Having to play that kind of catchup near-constantly this season is making "Sherlock" a harder chore

Hee. I'm putting money down now that the third brother is posing as the "resurrected" Moriarty to finally one-up his overbearing siblings. If Sherlock finds Mycroft a PITA, imagine how much rage a younger sibling would have towards both. ;)

:) I suspect Mycroft was exaggerating the dangers of that mission—for it doesn't add up he'd risk so fine a dagger on a suicide run. But that is a perfect example of why this season had problems—it triple-backed so much that after a while nothing really seemed at stake, at least nothing that wouldn't be

As well, why would Sherlock be in any trouble whatsoever given that TPTB who voted to exile him most certainly suffered under Magnussen's thumb and would've been glad to see the latter gone?

Ugh. So, in his heart of hearts, Reitman always wanted to do a Nicholas Sparks-type movie?

As well, Raine's character was made-up to look a lot like Pamela Franklin's doomed empath/medium character in LOHH.

The scene where Depp/Crane is with the town elders and he's explicating
what he thinks has happened, and the tone is so over the top and weird
and hilarious."

He was quite good in UNDERCOVER BROTHER, as well.