
"As far as getting back to the plot, am I crazy for thinking there was something to the "treehouse in the park" - perhaps the connection to the painting about which the show seems to have forgotten?"

She may have known Reddick by some other alias.

That theory has been mentioned several times in previous discussions.

Great episode. I gave this an A, although the scene between Seward and Shannon was unnecessary and cliched. But that's an awfully small complaint.

Fewer episodes would be better, but 6 is probably too few. 10 would work well.

Agreed. I thought it was a solid B+ until they trotted out the villain-hiding-in-the-back-seat-of-the-car cliffhanger. That probably earned the B-.

I'm still waiting for a red herring. Glad to be wrong!

I was expecting "Season 4: ZOMBIE TOUR GUIDE!"