
"At least through one episode, the decision strikes me as better in concept than theory."

Can we get real coverage of this (awesome) show for the second season? There was a pretty half-hearted, only-watched-the-first-four-episodes review for the first one, and I don't think it was really done justice.

Even though I figured Korra's loss was inevitable, it was still really hard to watch it happen. And I totally agree, revenge will be that much sweeter when Korra finally grinds Earth Hitler into the dirt.

I enjoyed Asami's subplot. I thought that it was nice to give her relationship with her father a chance to grow a little. I think it also injected some heart into an episode that was otherwise so much about escalation of tensions that I found myself anxious throughout all of the proceedings.

I agree, it's absolutely a travesty that anyone has any other frame of reference for a four-decade old song. How dare they.