Dark Jim

Oh, I forgot Trevorrow was directing IX… maybe Lucas isn't such a bad choice after all.

Yes, this is basically an ironed out A New Hope. All the things that I found off in Episode IV - the dialogue, the acting, the pacing of the individual scenes - were vastly improved in The Force Awakens.

I'm not sure if you're joking here, but yes, that's Ridley's actual accent. That's how she talks.

Sorry, I meant to say, "every good fight scene."

Scrolling through this comments section reminds me that I have to marathon 30 rock. Again.

Being able to say things like "modest super-strength" is why I love superhero shows.

I've been hesitating to watch Arrow, having heard it went off the rails after season 2. Then again, I'm slogging through Heroes Reborn, so maybe I ought to give it a shot.

You're right, I forgot that he was actually in the hospital when the woman asked Jessica to take his call. My bad.

As much as I liked this season, and this finale in particular, I must admit I was a bit annoyed at the amount of place setting for next season. Don't get me wrong, exploring the origin of her powers and having her square off against supersoldiers is enticing, but I would have tuned in based on the quality of what came

Okay, I'll give you that. I think Robyn could have forced that door open.

That probably factors in a bit. That besides, there is a bit of a justification in-story: while Matt Murdock has been learning to kick ass since he first lost his sight - as we are all wont to do - Jessica has been just relying on brute force, without the need to do anything flashy. In every fight before this, she's

Yeah, they could have stood to make it longer. To be fair, I've said that about every fight scene ever.

While I do agree that action is not the series' strong point, the fight between Jessica and Simpson was the best part of this episode. There's something about a superpowered slugfest that will always leave me enamored, especially when the show remembers that they both have superstrength (looking at you, Buffy).

I am shocked that no one has mentioned Jose's Feliciano's "Let's Find Each Other Tonight" playing as Peggy packs her bags. Every time I hear it I get a little happy; while I first heard it in the film, I associate it more with this excellent Coen Brothers tribute:

This episode pissed me off. I've been rooting for this show but it's hard to defend shit like "I thought she was our friend?" Half expected him to start sucking his thumb. And why in the hell would any double agent think it'd be a good idea to have sexual relations with a target her seemingly hyper-competent team was

I'll see you at the end of the year, McLurkerson. What's the most you've seen in one year?

My friend and I battle each year to see who can see the most films released that year before the Oscars. To that end, I saw Man of Steel finally (so disappointed) and Shadow Dancer (solid, not terribly engaging) this weekend. I'm at 32, he's at 35.

I grew to hate going to Walt Disney World, but that was more because my mother worked there when I was young and I never got to go to any other theme parks