Finally Mad Enough To Post

Nostalgically I still like it, but I was always a pick and choose reader, I didn't buy everything so maybe I missed the worst of it. I thought Spitfire was fun at first, but that team of kids hanging around her got more and more annoying and useless so I dropped it.
My fav was always Justice, whichwas much more

Olver is also right that it is the closest thing we have the JLI right now, and f*ck the world comics needs more of that. Esp big2 books.

hang in there.

I love what Lieber is doing on art in this book, but since Olver mentioned in, wouldn't really like to see what Kevin Maguire would do? Maybe for a one-off fill in?

I'm going to go out on a speculative limb here… This list has a large bias toward
persons who intersect critically with Western Culture, and/or current style
economic/social paradigms. Or works that recast significant persons in those realms in uncommon or critical light.
I don't have a problem with that at all, but

I was lucky enough to find what I think is an original printing of the trade—it has a really odd size, definitely before tpbs were a regular thing.
I am a pretty big Ann Nocenti booster based on her DD work, but found the Longshot series to be really confusing. A recent review (I think somewhere on the CBR site) traced


I've heard good stuff about her BG run too, but I gotta be honest and just admit that while I care about Oracle, not Batgirl as a character. Its the nostalgia fanboy in me.

I've been enjoying … very little of late.

Yea, I think most of the trouble w/ that can be laid at the feet of Nu52. I think the incident where she was fired/rehired on Batgirl was a big unsettling shift for her, on one hand it gave her some power/authority to do what she wanted, but it also put a real "put up or shut up" yolk on her neck.
Her Movement title is

they had their choice and they went with Liberace—they were worried Lynde would overplay the role and oversell the subtext.

I could stand a Phibes remake w/ Burton at the helm~~maybe earlt Burton.
Never seen the sequel, but have grown fonder for the original since first seeing it. At the time I didn't get the british humor, but it is a lovely looking film on top of all its other qualities.
Don't remember the anti-semitism this review notes?

I couldn't get hold of it anywhere, just hours of it coming out in PHX.
Bumbed that I have to settle for a 2nd print—whenever it hits—but still going to pick it up.
Aside: The "Married Life" book, when I check in is always good solid soap opera comics. Fans of old school daytime TV serials or … Veronica Mars/Gilmore

When my gal told me the news we decided to watch "Bart the Lover" in memory. "Grade School Confidential" was an even more poignant episode, but she won an Emmy for BtL and honestly GSC would have just been too much.

*leaves funeral, comes back in* "Forgot my hat."

I got Sex Criminals #2: Can't deside if I like it or not but the art is damn cute.
Adventure Time #20: All first person from BGP POV. Ryan North is a fun writer, even when the story does nothing. I'm looking forward to his OG miniseries.
Green Team #20: It stinks, but I'll buy it until it is canceled (issue #7) because

The AV Club
I'm not alone in feeling dumb for not having heard of this previously

I remember the Myth Adventures fondly.
I recall that Asprin seemed to be moving toward a story that addressed the sexual aspects of his cast of characters, but kept backing off, "Sweet Myth-tery of Life" was as close as he got I think. Apparently he's produced at least 7 books since I last checked in, I suppose he's

Aside from the great concept, what do we like about War Games? I used to love it, but as I said above, it draaaaaags so badly. Perhaps if they'd involved the Tim Lords earlier on in the story it would have felt fuller.