Finally Mad Enough To Post

I've read his future Batman story and couldn't figure out why everyone loved it so much. Nice art, but the story needed a much better begining, I felt like I'd been dropped into a thriller 30 minutes after the start and it kept me from enjoying any of it.

There needs to be a Best of Troughton discussion here, I want to get caught up on all the ones of his I haven't seen.
Only really knowing two stories, I'd put The Dominators at the top.
When I last tried to rewatch War Games I could see how badly padded the story was, could've been done in 2 hours easily. Great

I've been a Troughton fan since I caught The Dominators on PBS as a kid. I'd seen pieces of others (a lot of Tom Baker) but Dominators was the first I sat down and watched all the way through. Been my #1 since, even though I only really know that story and his last, War Games.
Looking forward to these two finds.

whoa whoa whoa, lets hold on a minute. I'll agree that Darla is getting the MPDG treatment right now, but come on she's still doing a fine job illustrating the Heroes Journey—or in her case the beginner/novice heroes journey of self discovery.

Oh Nemesis, where have you gone?

Waller spies on everyone, she uses that to control and destroy people. While there is a lot of loaded baggage w/ the gender and race of that scene, when it is all boiled down, in truth the two are evenly matched.

Oliver, great review. Reading about this mega-story is proving to be as interesting as reading it. I dropped off Batman at the end of Morrison's B&R run, fully knowing I'll pick this all up for weekend reading project someday. But I have enjoyed your piece and Uzumeri's work parsing it out.
I am wondering what Chris

Of course, thanks to Nu52…. :\

Yea, totally, one of the last to just wear a dashing suit. And Idiot Control Now is right too, SMT was a hellofa book. I'm slowly piecing together a run of all the individual issues.

Sandman has the gas gun, Crimson Avenger just uses the regular bullety kind (legacy version in Johns' JSA did have magic ones tho).

I just can't imagine her pulling off that lightness with Woody Allen at this point in their lives.

I really felt this movie was pretty much a throwaway, but that dance at the end is just perfect. Says so much.
Loved Alan Alda in it too.
The cast really did have fantastic chemistry.

I'm glad Marvel is putting out this book, I've decided to be staunchly disinterested in hawkeye, but really miss Gail Simone's Secret Six tho. So, having a fun villain book (even if it couldn't be as dark/thoughtful as S6) is a nice treat.

I'll be dissenter here and say I don't like the idea of them ever ACTUALLY becoming a couple. I like the cute flirting, but doesn't feel like it should go beyond that.
There's lots of small reasons, but for me the thing that makes them ultimately incompatible is that Wonder Woman at her core is about forgiveness and

When Pixar is On they are ON, but the more projects they make the more the average ones start to feel reaaaalllly average.
Like, Ralph Bakshi Average.

Remember an episode or two vaguely of the latter one.
I think a major problem was they slowed the pace down to glacial speed compared to the originals.
Larroquette was as good you could do for a remake. In an "inspired by" version, he'd probably have carried it pretty well.
Also the ethnic humor, while aged and quaint

Ha ha. My girl and I were just talking about other games we could play, and she mentioned this one, it was the only place she could remember reading about it.
Such a great archive of info on here.

Just today this has come in handy to me. Thank you, and feel good about the review you provide! Not a moron!

here here!

Gave me an excuse to talk about my Newhart appreciation to Facebook friends, help turn them onto this hep cat Bob Newhart and his comedy LPs. 
Great way to remind people that just cuz its old or a cultural antiquity, doesn't mean it has no relevance.