Authentic Seyko Timepiece

I thought he was getting buried alive.

"Bums:Making a Mess of the City" was the tipping point for me that turned this show into a must-watch. The cop car, the cat, Mac and Dee's vigilante duo….classic.

I thought the Scrubs finale (not counting the spinoff) was very good.

Creed even had the only good moment of "Work Bus"—I'm playing hooky from work

I feel bad for Esther. She was nothing but supportive, only to be kicked to the curb for a crazy cat lady. 

Kevin was also a total cardshark at Bob Vance (Vance Refrigeration)'s bachelor party.

I thought for sure that Robin would find the locket in Ted's hand after he used sleight-of-hand to take it from the case in a Hail Mary to win her back.