
I hate to admit this being a 40 something year old guy.  But every time I watch this episode I need to wipe my eyes when Aeryn dies (well, sort of dies).  That's the mark of a great show.

Personally, I enjoyed the Locket.  But I missed something in the story, too.  How was it that John was the only one who could move at the end?  As for only getting to see a park area (by the way, in one scene, if you watch carefully, a car drives through the trees in the background), I can forgive this as a budget

I enjoy reading these reviews each week, but the great thing about Farscape is that it is open to so many different analyses.  I have thought of writing my own analysis, but life gets in the way.  However, it keeps nagging at me, so maybe someday.  As for these two episodes, I don't have much to say about Beware of

I look forward to reading these Farscape reviews each week.  My favorite scene in the LATP trilogy was Aeryn fighting Cargn.  That just about said it all.  She's got balls.  Speaking of women with balls, Jenavian Charto was not only quite the looker, but one tough Peacekeeper babe (hey, what do you want, I'm just a

If I understood you right, my post (above) caused you to order the Farscape boxset.  If so, that is really awesome.  Just remember, get through to episode 19.  Then the series, for the most part, follows a fantastic story arc.  In fact, it's pretty good that the series didn't start off this way but built towards it. 

Up through episode 18 Farscape is, overall, a pretty good show.  But it is not until episode 19, "Nerve," that things really take off.  After this point you're either "scaped" or you're not.  My first time watching this series in whole was when the series came out on DVD about 3 years ago.  After episode 19 I started