Salieri Dingleberry

Wait just a gosh darn minute. Hollywood decided to make a movie regarding Maya Long Count Calendar-based apocalypse? And lazily titled it "2012" and cast John Cusack? Damn. Just when I thought it was safe to leave my Y2K bunker.

Wait just a gosh darn minute. Hollywood decided to make a movie regarding Maya Long Count Calendar-based apocalypse? And lazily titled it "2012" and cast John Cusack? Damn. Just when I thought it was safe to leave my Y2K bunker.

@ Writ Large

On a related note: The best part of this movie — at least for me — was the following pre-preview movie trivia:

My Bloody Valentine 3-D [;] vivid like Michael Jackson. . . .
My . . . release . . . is only just getting started. . . . There are countless impalings, a gas explosion, . . . really bushy cop mustaches[, and] someone playing with a ball. . . . Just don't get stuck. . . . [A] psycho is a gas mask . . . drives [his]