Messy Jessi

I think he was asking whether Mew's name was a Pokemon reference? It's not, btw, I've seen several explanations for it but I don't know what's definitive. Kitten noises, a place where horses are kept, or I don't even, like, Me + You = Mew. I don't know.

And the Glass Handed Kites
I think the thing about that (and I could be wrong) is that the songs are just so hard to separate from each other. Still, more from that album would have been welcome. I've been spinning it again lately and it really is pretty great from front to back. I think at the time I was kind of not

People still do this for me sometimes! Not all the time, but every 1 in 4 maybe.

(I should clarify that that was the express checkout line, and they refused to put up a "15 items or less" sign for some reason. That grocery store thought it was fancy, but it was just a regular store to its employees.)

re #2, I used to work at a grocery store where the "quantity" key was disabled, so not necessarily. I hated it too because people would bring 40 things through the checkout line and be like, "These 15 bottles of olive oil count as 1, right?"

Suspiciously, that hipster baby-sitter from Raising Hope also sang a catchy ukulele ditty about biting in the first episode of that show.

That was just sweet
Now it feels like Christmas in here.

And I said to Garth, I looked straight into his face, I've never been afraid of holding a man's gaze - it's natural. I said "this is going to be the most significant televisual event since Quantum Leap." And I do not say that lightly.

Well excuuuuuuuse me, but I shit in a toilet just like everyone else in civilized America!

I was going to wait until I was ready to get murdered, but I might pencil this into my day planner.

A reason to visit D.C.

Ain't no shame
Pretty sure Chromeo is my ideal man.

To be fair
From what I can tell, when early 19th century Parisians weren't speaking in brief, witty bon mots, they were speaking in "long passages of declarative sentences, flowery description, and tortured phrasing." Then again, even if it's accurate that kind of thing isn't exactly fun to read. Too bad.

Thoughts is Napoleon, y'all.

I believe it's actually "creh-tin."

Thing I recently learned:
The proper pronunciation for "banal." Yes, I was pronouncing it "beynuhl" like the ignorant cretin I am.

I wished for Amy and Rory to get married and travel together in the TARDIS just before Rory got TOTES SHOT by the lizard lady and I AM SO HAPPY my wish came true, against all odds.

Update: Rejoice, North Texans, for it opens here next week.

Sounds delightful
Also, a rare occasion of an interviewee's latest project receiving a glowing review. I hope this is coming to Dallas.

Actually, Andersen felt that his stories were for adults more than children so that might explain their adult themes.