
Well, that's one hell of an endorsement. Straight to the top of the list it goes.

What irked me was the casual way these teenage girls were sexualized. Eh, the '70s.

She transcended the depressed faze. She's in the "everything is fucked and I can't even care enough to be depressed" faze.

Hausu. This was the craziest, weirdest, most superbly cheesy thing I've ever seen. There are no words to describe it, it must be watched to be believed.

Kurosawa is a big blind spot for me. I only saw Dreams and thought it was spectacular. I should start rectifying this.

I agree that season 4 has some faults, but I liked it, and that ending angered many, not me though, I bought it like nobody's business. The actors sold the hell out of it.

I'll be that person and say that you gave up The Killing when it was about to get better. Season 3 and even season 4 were the good ones.

He was the most entertaining part of the movie. His Galactic Prima Donna was outstanding.

You must see it. It's so great, and she is excellent. No actress can match that wild intensity she projects.

Sightseers. So this was so weird, and absurd and darkly funny, perfectly attuned to my sensibilities. Kill List was spectacular also, so I can hardly wait to watch A Field in England. It's always so wonderful when you find something so peculiar and fantastic as this film.

Oh, Oliver Twist. I think I read that about 10 times as a kid. I loved that book so much. Poor lovely Nancy.

The show sounds intriguing, and at least he will get to play something completely different than vulnerable, wounded puppy.

You're most welcome! But be warned, it's a difficult viewing experience.

I don't know how much he's meant to be the hero of the story, but he's so heartbreaking and understated, his performance just leaps out at you, and he really becomes the center, the POV character of this movie.

Ain't Them Bodies Saints. This was the most hopelessly romantic thing I've seen in a while. Such striking cinematography and sound design, with very good performances (Ben Foster as the lovesick policeman was the highlight for me) and some Malickian influences. I loved it so very, very much.

Veep is so hilarious, everyone involved has top-notch comic timing and the writing is just so great. I used to dislike Julia Louis-Dreyfuss because of my hatred of Seinfeld, but she is just the best. I don't think they could've find anyone better.

You should watch Hunger, the movie who launched Fassbender's career, if you haven't already. Pretty impressive film. I liked it a lot, and I still think it's Steve McQueen's best movie.

Congrats on the nephew!

Change the place of your exercising, to stop seeing this person. The crush will fade away with no contact.

I just watched about 3 or 4 episodes and then I just gave up. It was so tedious, a pity for Stephen Dillane, who was really good. And I like Clemence Poesy most of the time, but she was a bit adrift in her performance, like she didn't know what she was doing. I don't know, the American remake went off the rails too in