
This season was a bit scattershot and incoherent and had far too little Alison, but I loved this final episode, maybe because of that fantastic dance scene (Helena's gleefully childish abandon was adorable) and Helena's mischievous grin when asked about the fire. I also loved Rachel's eye poking and the peeling of the

Oh, come on, every one of those wild women in Orange is the New Black is more than likeable and relatable to some degree (maybe except Vee) but they just have a healthier dose of realism about them. They're screwed up, yes, but you can't help but love them and identify with them. And Poussey, who's a lesbian, is

I liked this episode mostly because of Helena being a badass for burning the shit down, but the reveal that the big bad bitches, Rachel and Helena, just want to be loving moms doesn't really sit well with me. Felix and Mrs S. are so criminally underused this season, the writers should reevaluate based on the strenghts

I was prepared for shit to go down in this episode, but dear Jesus it was bleak. Hannibal might be Satan, but Mads Mikklesen sold that Will confrontation scene so much so that I actually felt more heartbroken about him losing his friend/puppet than for Will dying. I don't want to ponder on what that says about me.

It's not the eyes that do the trick, it's that toothy grin who works the wonders.

Whenever I hear anything about the Superman/Batman movie I remember the poster in I am Legend and I can't help but feel a bit unsettled.

Well, I just had a What the fuck? moment, and it was of the bad kind.

Major kudos to the casting department, all actors are amazing. The highlights for me are the actor who plays Dorian, such a mesmerizing, otherwordly presence and such a delicate beauty, Eva Green who is just a goddess and Harry Treadaway who is in equal parts fascinating and sinister. So sad that Alex Price had to go

I would be mildly interested in a Jesus movie if it were based on those somewhat more progressive Gnostic Gospels. I'm so tired of the official version of the Bible, where all women are either dutiful wives or prostitutes.

Well, that aspic thing is quite tasty. Very strong flavour for such a simple dish.


I've seen a lot of crazy shit on this show, but this is the first episode where I literally felt physically ill. Man, that was completely bonkers.

Are you some kind of pervert?

He can try to distance himself all he wants, but he's always gonna be that short guy who played Harry Potter (the first one, the reboot is coming in a few years).

I don't know if you've seen the video on youtube of him rapping with his kid. You'll forget all about the puppies.

Edit: Delete Delete Delete

He's trusting us with his private journey in this moment that has not only made history but will shape it forever.

I'm sure there are plenty of Europeans that have a nuanced view on the matter, but is really hard to make a point without it being misunderstood as taking a side, or antagonizing.

Some of these comments express such black and white views on the matter. It's such an intricate and historically dense problem that it can't be reduced only to Those fucking Europeans are so racist or to Roma people brought it on themselves .

I get where you're coming from, but when their own thing means marrying their children at 12-13 and refusing to send them to school is kind of a red flag. I'm Eastern European and in my part of the world the Roma minority issue is a big and complex one. I think you're British, right? Surely you have an idea how