The Marquis de Sade

The philosophies of Ayn Rand seem to have a great deal in common with my own work.  I do hope that you have also read “Justine”.  You’ll find that it contains a lengthy philosophical discourse which is occasionally enlivened by brief descriptions of defecation and the delectation of the mards which may descend from a

The ladies and gentlemen of the previous thread were discussing Existenz. In my opinion, the timeless piece of cinema that is Videodrome demonstrates the failures of Existenz most exactingly.

These new gimmick posters taste like shit.

I would enjoin all of you to replace your child pornography with copies of my fine works. In fact, a child may purchase my fine works at nearly any purveyor of antiquarian books.

The handbills for this moving picture led me to believe that I would expend such great draughts of fuck that the very projector would be awash and useless. For what could be more sublime than a steaming mard flavored by an assortment of intestinal tracts commingled through surgery? Perhaps my expectations exceeded

Please continue this thread so that I may desport myself amidst the reek of a freshly produced mard.

This motion picture has inflamed my imagination! The quality of shit procured from prostitutes is often of inferior quality, and extreme measures must be taken in enforcing proper diet.

Having beheld this masquerade, I must extend my congratulations: Its essence is like that of the warmest, most humid and densest eructation ever produced for my delight.

1740. For my part, I most feel the weight of the intervening centuries when I contemplate the diminished ecstasies of the contemporary debauch. The modern man sees fit to desport himself amidst the esoteric products of the chemist and in the company of whores and prostitutes. Where has gone the man who expends his