
I sing my kids to sleep with "You've Got a Friend In Me." Mr. Newman has a pretty high batting average, as far as I'm concerned.

I don't understand which of Cicero's ideas apply here. As for Rand, there's no way the Incredibles is Randian - the movie promotes meritocracy, where everyone is encouraged to excel to the best of their talents. But Rand's philosophy is essentially selfishness on a grand scale, whereas the Incredibles is first and

Compared to the Pixar oeuvre, Cars is weak. But as inspirational sports movies go, it's pretty good.

I had the misforyune of being a college freshman the year Oliver Stone did that movie about the most overrated band in history. So from the room next to me, the room above me, the room across the hall? The fucking Doors, 24/7. And from the room below me? Bob Marley, of course. I moved off campus in a hurry.

more intensity
I love the moment in Lost in Translation when Bill Murray's filming the commercial. The director asks him to act "more Rat Pack," and he deadpans, "Joey Bishop?"

Is there some rule where every comments section has to include slagging off Ringo or Meg White? Ringo (and Joey Bishop) had a particular part to play within their group, and played it extremely well. The Beatles didn't need a fourth immensely talented songwriter; they needed a good drummer, who could play any style

Sleeps with Angels?
Not even a passing mention of 1994's Sleeps with Angels? One of my favorites, it's sort of the flip side to Harvest Moon - a sprawling, ragged companion piece to HM's radio-friendly smoothness. It's got Neil covering all his bases - stately ballad "Western Hero," endless Crazy Horse jam "Change

Monopoly's crazy, man!
It's amazing that a sitcom can be 75% depressing and still be the best sitcom on TV. Has there been a show this laugh-free but satisfying since those kids got trampled to death at the Who concert WKRP sponsored?

the party invite
Michael thought his invite was for a NYC club called Chat Room. He tells Jim there's a password to get in ("it's… password!"), and Jim realizes his mistake.

you can check out of the halftime show, but you can never leave
It'll be an awful halftime, but I'm not surprised. I wondered, after last year's, who's left that's on the level of the Stones, Macca, Prince, U2, and I couldn't come up with much. Face it, they're not going to top Prince for another decade at least -

All these haters - what is the deal with them?
I missed all but the last few minutes, but I laughed more at reading people referencing jokes in the comments here than I've ever laughed at My Name is Earl. This is the funniest show on TV (although The Office is a better show all around. Fewer straight-out laughs, but

three things
1) how did spam for Japanese porn get into the comments?

Good vs. interesting
Seems like every time Kanye or Meg White get mentioned on AVClub, you get a litany of predictable haters going on about how he's got no flow and she can't play drums. Which is all bullshit, but even if it wasn't, that doesn't matter.

only girl philosopher
You only just now realized that these boards are full of sexist assholes?

never mind then
One thing that always made me respect Zep despite myself was that, when Bonham died, they never played another note. Contrast that with the Who playing a casino while John Entwistle's body was still warm.

Bill Groundhog Day Ghostbustin'-ass Murray
Bill and Janeane Garofalo co-star in one movie, and it's a fucking kids movie about a fucking elephant. There's no justice.

Alan Ruck was 29? Someone beat out Eric Stoltz in Some Kind of Wonderful as the oldest high school guy ever? (I have to specify guy - no one will ever break Stockard Channing's record from Grease - she was like 45.)

what the fuck???
So, is there any movie they *aren't* planning on making a sequel to where we catch up to the characters in middle age? They're talking about a sequel to Heathers; they did that one where Lloyd Dobler becomes a hit man; there was that awful one where George Lucas' imagination had totally gone to seed,

why is it a good discussion? No one said 'first'
New Danger does have a few good tracks - and I actually like the ones that aren't his usual style the best. The one with Shuggie Otis, and the one that samples "Let the Sunshine In". Mos talked a lot before that album about black artists taking back rock and roll,

speed vs. density
Yeah, I didn't mean Chuck had the same speed thing going, just that both of them spit out ideas fast and furious. Before your brain can process one thing, he's onto the next one.