Mister Digits

McBride got into the bidness as a writer, if memory serves.  I guess if all your connections are people who are pleased with your professional output you're doing all right, it's true.

The Jurassic Park pinball table was a bad muthaluva, by the way.

The Jurassic Park pinball table was a bad muthaluva, by the way.

Good call.

Good call.

That's Fox Broadcasting, son.  Or that's what they're called in Canada, anyway, because calling themselves "Fox News" would break their truth-in-advertising laws.

That's Fox Broadcasting, son.  Or that's what they're called in Canada, anyway, because calling themselves "Fox News" would break their truth-in-advertising laws.

It's cruel of you to give me hope like that for a moment, Melancholic.  My sinsemilla sense tingles just thinking about how much fun heading out to see 'Bluffy the Blampire Blayer' could be.

It's cruel of you to give me hope like that for a moment, Melancholic.  My sinsemilla sense tingles just thinking about how much fun heading out to see 'Bluffy the Blampire Blayer' could be.

Having reviewed IMDB to see what else Balfour is in, I'm pleased to find that they refer to his 'SFU' role as "Gabe Dimas / Claire's Meth Date".  And so I shall know him from here on out.

Having reviewed IMDB to see what else Balfour is in, I'm pleased to find that they refer to his 'SFU' role as "Gabe Dimas / Claire's Meth Date".  And so I shall know him from here on out.

If you were of a mind to head over to The Stranger you could read some of that Savage commentary.  'Salright.

If you were of a mind to head over to The Stranger you could read some of that Savage commentary.  'Salright.

If you mess up your ankle, use RICE.

It means that, because you're on the internet, you must need to read more books.

It means next time you're arguing with somebody about how PS3 games can have compelling stories and are just like real art you should remember that they don't do much for one's vocabulary.


While the Madman's personal politics may be considered lamentable (I certainly do, anyway), singing about strangleholdin' is above reproach.  Rock 'n roll, man. 

So you ARE an excitable misunderstood genius!

I'd say that I'm a lot like he is, but I don't know about that, man.