Mister Digits

Santa mellow my mind
Make me feel like it's Christmas all the time.

Tropical vacations and shit?

As I recollect, his spouse is waaaay younger than him — not quite "Jerry Lee Seinfeld" young, but getting there.

Considering the length of the bar on that thing, I believe it qualifies as a "widowmaker".

Lemme see… if Offerman charges $75 for a mustache comb I'm thinking… a hundred bucks?

Here's what I'm curious about — are there other 'Two-Lane Blacktop' muthafuckas out there who didn't think 'Brown Bunny' was particularly bad?  They're essentially the same film, and I prefer Hellman's, but Gallo has his moments.  Besides the blowjob, I mean.

I was really excited when 'Fear and Loathing' came out — I had read the book and went and saw the movie during its first run, and I think had to get one of my older sisters to buy me a ticket — and enjoyed the film a lot.

"You know what this novel needs, J.K.?  More cowbell."

Whenever I get a day off of work work due to inclement conditions (i.e. a snow day) I like to start it off by watching 'Misery' and drinking a pot of coffee, maybe "fixed" coffee.

No gusto.

I heard that the real reason Axl is against HOF induction is that the ceremony could interfere with his schedule of getting up around whenever.

Yeah — then, in recognition of your integrity, you might get a special berth in either administrative segregation or protective custody!  Win!

Also, when discussing the case of someone with Megan, you could play it up by saying "Yeah she has 'good time teeth', but still she's got flava."

Yeah?  Who could like a woman with a minor cosmetic flaw?

Reading a dirty line about the President's mother really validates the existence of the internet to me for this evening.

"I dreamed about killing you again last night, and it felt alright to me," he'd tell her.

That could be on right before the Travellin' Sally show.

Guest starring someone playing the sole surviving nurse from the Speck massacre.

I want to be alone.

They did a pretty good "American Icons" treatment of the show on Studio 360.  Just  saying.