Mister Digits

That was a masterful bit of snark — and boy, do I hear that — but even so, you can get a copy of 'Jest' off of Amazon for like ten bucks, and if it turns out that you don't enjoy the book much overall there're all kinds of amusing details you still might appreciate stumbling upon.

It could be something like the AV Undercover series, but just have directors pick-and-choose the material for thirty-minute segments, or something.

I like to think he was selling "French" postcards from a nearby alley.

Shhhhhhh.  Rationally analyzing the Netflix situation is not cool.

A dude was in bed with his wife and he said "I love you baby — you've got a tight pussy, but no tits."

I'd recommend trying some slivovitz — it's drinking liquor, not tasting liquor.

When someone says "Ewwww, gin," all you've gotta do is say "Let me grab a booster seat, since you drink like a child."

I'm looking for a 'Lady Chatterly's Lover' scenario, but with better teeth.  And fewer trees.

Get it together.

Don't give us the teaser and then quit, bro.

Finally, someone speaking against the micks!

"Well, might as well try a placebo," they say, waving their fingers at a bottle of Poland Spring…

I'm not a  Minaj supporter — I'm not familiar with her work — but "just trying to upset large groups of people" is a time-honored tradition in art.

I'm not one to go around asking a lot of questions on religion, but "for a while"?  Are you thinking that when she rises for the Final Judgment it'll be an all-around unpleasant experience?

That's because Roxette is in the "Leonard Pierce" section.

Such a good song that would be.

Dying young didn't hurt.  Not his reputation, anyway.


Do you suppose the "shake it (or break it)" is a shout-out to Charley Patton?  Either way, that fatback-eatin' muthaluva calls for a link:

I was going to exhibit poutine as a counter-example, but then I thought about it, and if you're going to eat junk food anyway throwing some cheese curds and gravy on fries is a pretty smart move.