Mister Digits

Even a month later, I am obligated (by, like, my sole OCD tendency) to note that my sister rented an apartment across the street from where they filmed that.  Crafton, a suburb of Pittsburgh.

Don't be foiled by thinking that a bitch ain't one, though, or you'll be forever jammed up at 98.

It turns out that it is The Real Fake Jake who's a pimp.

Perhaps he was playing against children and/or midgets.

That's what Susan Orleans (Orlean?) reports in her book, anyway, or so she says.  I'm holding out for the Charlie Kaufman movie.

I'm upgrading you from "Cool story, bro," to "Lovely tale, bloke," in honor of the britishness of the film.

"That artist wasn't historically correct!  Revoke his Kappa Beta Phi membership immediately!"

JK Simmons?

Lemme dial-up Prodigy… KJBH69B…

That comment wasn't sycophantic at all, you so-and-so!

Tell 'em "Shit, bitches, I'm just making fun of David Lynch."


Now that's an interesting question — I'm going to start saving my nickels and dimes now, just in case. 

Are you down with Dagur Kari?  The only film of his that I've seen is 'Noi the Albino', which I really like.  They've got 'The Good Heart' on instant but I haven't brought myself around to watching it.

I don't know if it covers directors other than the Coens and Jarmusch, but it seems like they rotate the availability of their movies and there're always one or two from each.

Fucking right.  Who knew I'd want to watch a baler eat a sedan?

If it'd make you feel better, go ahead and stream it.

Judging by his recent actions, it may be because Hastings couldn't make money selling penicillin at a syphilis convention.

Now you can take it to the next level and appreciate that there's an actual system wherein cunt hairs of different colors represent different widths; I believe it's blond-brunette-red from narrowest to widest.

A-fucking-men.  I don't remember how it would've gone off the rails in season 4 (so can't agree or disagree), but whoever was responsible for the plot of that series might've been some ADD-having teenage dirtbag, and that shit came off as a virtue to me.