Mister Digits

One day I'm going to snap (oh, it's coming) and the only conflicting emotions I'll have will be in deciding whether those who incorrectly apply "question begging" or "literally" will be the first to pay.

'The Perfect Host' filled the slot for me that 'Real Steel' appeared to fill for whoever wrote about it — basic cinematic entertainment, giving the viewer what an entertaining movie should.  The main mark in its favor is that you can stream it on Netflix.

Don't be such a suppurated taint.

The deaf hear you talking… er, yeah.

Is he doing the "less than great" films to keep his box office up* so that he can negotiate the budgets for his great films, or is it more like he can go to some fancy-assed restaurants all the time but still nurses a deep love for chicken mcnuggets?

I've seen a few movies that left me physically sore the next day — they were all more like Valley than Hollywood films, if you know what I mean.  Awwww yeah.

Jump around?

Rebuttal: the best thing they've done is provide an oeuvre that, should you learn that someone likes it, "flags" them as likely being at least of poor taste, if not an outright reprobate.

What do you mean you "can't" wash your hair with soap?  Will someone bust down your bathroom door and stop you?

Hold on: "soap" that works in your hair will also cleanse your skin?

That brought a single tear to my eye.

No, but people keep mistaking him for Paul Allen.

The baby?

If I remember correctly, the mother muttered "Shit, I made this one, I can make another just like it," and snuffed the baby just to be cold as ice.


It's time we appropriated "onion booty" and changed it to "onion face".  "Onion mug" might be more appropriate… she's got a hot body, and seeing that face on top of it just makes me cry.

He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction.

I hear that they're thinking about picking Oldman up for 'Old Custer'… could he be entering the second summer of his career?

Indeed, sir.  Indeed.

Pornography?  And sometimes the couple is even so happy that they spread the love.