Mister Digits

For all y'all talking about the "Bolshevik revolution" (and who Disqus won't let me reply directly to), just let me jump out and say that the revolution wasn't specifically Bolshevik — there were a lot of Social Democrats and others.  Once the Tsar was out the Bolsheviks fucked over the non-Bolshevik groups.

At the liquor store you need to whip out an old-style Spanish Real so that you can break off an eighth and just get change for that.  Maybe they can pay you in AA batteries or something in this post-cash economy.

I'm pretty sure they go in groups because they're empty husks and have reverse-solipsism, whereby if there aren't other people around to recognize their existence they fear they might not exist at all.

You could just coat them with asbestos, then.

Have you seen 'The Perfect Host'?  I wish Niles would hit the twitter section in that kind of mood.

That song where they say "Kicks Adidas, jeans Girbaud"?

Did any Jews hang out in Shanghai after WWII?

If you didn't mind forking over a few hundred dollars you could get NFL Sunday Ticket (on the PS3, at least).

What represents Dirty Chris Meloni in this scenario?  The PS3?

That would block my sexy ceiling mirror, so no.

Nah; he thought he had (terminal) mono for an entire year, but it turned out he was just really bored.

He who is tired of 'Beavis and Butthead' is tired of life, dude.

I don't know, those shifty bastards have most of their population within 100 miles of the border… I think they're massing for an invasion.

Is it a true story?

Why don't you identify your album so I can go ahead and ridicule it?

(and "before it was cool" I read about it in The Economist, that arbiter of hipness)

The real reason, of course, is so that "invite-only" people like myself can immediately identify those who failed to join up before it was cool, and note that the FBers have, perforce, poorer taste in music.

Word up on Pepin, but that guy who edits 'Cooks Illustrated' and swings nuts on 'ATC' (Christopher Kimball) is such a silly little toy that I can't bear to watch the show at all.  I don't know whether he or Rick Bayless is worse.

And do you know who pioneered tort law?  Abraham Lincoln, that fucking asshole.[*]

That would be ironic, don't you think?