Mister Digits

Survival pro-tip: a "Holocaust-escaper/associate-of-many-who-didn't-get-away" once told me that it seemed to him that many of the survivors were people who had babied themselves in their previous lives.

Fuck M. Night What's-His-Nuts, I'd donate $50 to the "Underwrite Charlie Sheen's Porn Family", as long as he promised to perfect it and then be as tawdry as possible. I don't want any breaks for health concerns, either, I want wall-to-wall fucking and coke. He could send me a tote bag or something.

Conspiracy Theory
First Stamos is involved in a case in Marquette, MI, and now he's working with a band out of Duluth, MN? I think he's got some upper-Midwest envy.

Is that you, Leonard?

If it makes you feel any better, Adolph, Low has been around forever. Shit, Robert Plant covered a couple of their songs on hist latest. What does that prove? I dunno.

Maybe if you two partake of some sunshine in a bag things'll get moving.

Fans of Charley Patton shake it and break it and put it on the wall. But they never, ever let it fall.

Also, fans of Barry White know that no matter how many times they've had love and made love, it just ain't enough.

Fans of Husker Du fuck and then reminisce.

Just sayin'
I catch this show maybe once every six weeks, and have seen a total of maybe fifteen episodes, and yet every time I see it the story seems a natural extension of the (out of sequence, of course) episodes that I've seen before. And it's always vaguely amusing, like a sitcom should be, if not better.

Not to nitpick, but I believe that the primate's name was Clyde.

By which I mean, in the film it's a shark attack, and in real life it's complications from a nasty heroin habit that cause her to lose her arm. Or so I heard.

Soul Surfer?
I heard that in the film 'Soul Surfer', rather than losing her arm to a shark the main character has to have it amputated in a Southern jail due to terribly neglected abscesses from her IV heroin habit. Now that's a whitewash.

Disturbingly (?), I've heard three separate people raise the topic of that 'King Arthur' cartoon in the last month or so. It was last on what, twenty years ago?

I'm no expert on Tom and Roseanne, but a couple years ago there was an "oral history of 'Roseanne'" in, like, Entertainment Weekly, and I perused it at work. If I remember correctly they threw their weight around the set pretty heavily and didn't make many friends. Not out of people who weren't sympatico to…

Fault found
If more of these pricks lived in NYC we wouldn't have these problems.

Nah, sarcastic… but also true. Cause women with big boobs are or will be affected by gravity, and if a lady's nips aren't pointing at the ceiling when she's laying on her back (or parallel to the ground when standing, of course) then she ain't no damn good. It's AV Club dogma.

I once got 'Miller's Crossing' (maybe?) and took out the disc to find it was 'Everybody Loves Raymond'. Needless to say, I flew into a rage, and now have the tumors to prove it.


I know, dude. Sometimes they wear their pajamas around ALL DAY.