Mister Digits

So I saw that Duncan Jones is responsible for 'Source Code', and I really enjoyed 'Moon' (which I saw in the theater, bitchez).

I once propositioned a door-to-door Mormon (or Witness?) who had an ineffable pair of tits and was plying her trade with her mother. I felt a little bad afterwords, but the facts are that they arrived in midmorning on a Saturday and I had been up very early, celebrating the One True 4:20. After recognizing it, I

An owl gave her flowers?

Also: if anyone with a firm handle on the Situationalists moseys up I'm in a world of hurt, because those mothers present some advanced-level yapping.

Shore Patrol — Debord was a French intellectual who basically would've said advertising is the very least of our problems, or something. He's filed under "Situationalist".

Peggy: "These camels are so easy on my T zone!"
Joan: "I know, and their smooth pull really makes me feel like a woman."
Betty: "Can I bum one of those, ladies?"
Joan: "What would you do for one?"
Betty: "Anything!"
Peggy: "Really?"
Betty: "I sure would!"
Joan [pulling out knobby strap-on]: "Well then call Sally over, shit's

If I can break in with a sidebar: all y'all who're like "advertising is bad, mmmkay?" (and thanks for the fresh perspective, by the way) need to go to the next level and start muttering about the Society of the Spectacle, if you don't want to be viewed as a bunch of prats. If you can read Guy Debord and discuss his

Don't worry. Weiner will rise to the challenge.

My plan is to hit CO, then swing up to BC… then catch a scenic train to Quebec (for the tang, you see), and then a quick flight to CA.

It's legal here in the Democratic Republic of Mister Digits right now, mang. I call my latest pip "The Madonna" 'cause it hits so smooth that I feel like a virgin every time.

That's just, like, your opinion, Hendel.

If I can file an amicus brief (what?), lemme say if you're going to cite 'Mallrats' for an insult you should go with "lunchbox".

Production staff
If they do get a reboot going, maybe they can bring in Speed Weed from 'Law and Order' to produce.

(although I've got a bit of an embarrassing 1/8 chub, now that I'm thinking of those vacant blonds' tightly-skirted rumps rising slightly for a firm strike…)

True, Gibberish, although I doubt that Vicki Vail would've enjoyed a good spanky. Notch one for Madonna.

Turns out it was Caro syrup, and Dexter is colorblind.

Amirite — all that you really need to know to skip to the Lithgow season (which is a good one… the season with Jimmy Smitts was straight ass, if you ask me) is that Dexter has married his beard, who has worked through a lot of her own issues re: intimacy, and they've had a baby. He's been up to the same old antics in

Can you believe that Stalin had the foresight to begin his campaign against Germany in the 1920s, Asuka? That guy was fucking sagacious.

I'm calling you muthas out: you're all racists, as evinced in your dismissal of Tyler Perry. So a black man makes some films that he knows will be received by a wide audience as "comfortable entertainment", and he knows that he will therefore be paid? I suppose y'all think he's padding out his bank account to make
