Mister Digits

(allow me to note, however, that if anyone wants to debate the merit of 'Bio-Dome' it'll be fucking on)

Son-in-Law's best lines
1. "Rise and shine, valentine."
2. "I'm looking for something feminine." "He's standing right next to you." (delivered by Flea as a starey-eyed tattoo artist)

He also hired paramilitary thugs — the Pinkertons to you — to handle strikers. I'm sure Walker sighs wistfully when he thinks of that (as if he has any knowledge of history!).

I'm a big 'Oz' fan myself… but anyway, is there anyone who's been inside among us? I once asked a dude who had been in a couple of years for possession/distribution and his main point was that he spent most of that time standing in one line or another.

Back when men wore onions on their belts…
Mine was 'A Bicycle Built For Two'. The hurdy gurdy man could crank out the chorus and sometimes the rag picker would join in if he was in the neighborhood. Back then you could get a three-cent piece for homespun and a nickel for flannel. Those were the days…

Intimidating judge?
Kurtwood Smith. I know he played one on that one sitcom that I never watched, but shut the fuck up.

Someone should make a movie about a risque beauty contest presided over by a shock jock and call it 'Stern Butt Fair'.

When you get into questions of transsexual-on-male rape, though, it can get choppy.

But then it would be confused with 'Male Gays: The Movie', and that's a whole 'nutha kettle of fish.

Buzz — 'Cocksucker Blues' is on Youtube, if you're just looking for some watching.

Hey now
I'm reluctant to speak on Taco Bell's behalf, but if you consider the munchilicious Crunchwrap Supreme "hideous", Noel, I must downgrade the value of your culinary opinion to "bag of cocks". My apologies.

It was shameful, but I had to obey the inexorable exhortations of my soul.

I was going to go for a first…
But will reserve my efforts to damn whoever thinks they can claim one. Or something.

Hey, making sardonic comments that have no impact on anything is a really big deal, and we should all be outraged! I'll run by Home Depot for pitchforks if you'll start whipping up some torches.

@ Horrible — Are you threatening me?

He who is tired of 'Beavis & Butthead' is tired of life, asshat.

Everybody whose parents were down with vaguely Scandinavian culture, dude. But: wine or cream?

If you aren't too fancy, Seax, the granulated (?) parmesan that comes in a can does just fine. I worked on a boat where all microwave popcorn was dosed with that, and maybe also with paprika/chili powder, although I may've introduced the seasoning into the equation at a later date.

When you talk "ass burgers", Grandpa, are you talking "ass patties"?

Film no film before its time. And it's time.