Mister Digits

When I was in a Chinese buffet in rural MN, stoned and getting with some cream cheese wontons, a girl at the booth after mine said that she was afraid to walk the streets, knowing that Kirby Puckett had been acquitted of sexual assault or rape or whatever. It was a golden moment.

'Man With a Movie Camera'? That's a bold statement.

You guys need to stop discussing whether 'The Godfather' is the best movie.

Unnecessary "-" after such? No extra charge. Foolz.

Quit be such- a bunch of C-men, foolz.

Shit List
When he gets mad, and he gets pissed / He grabs a pen and writes a list / Of all the assholes that won't be missed…

I'm sure I'm failing to grasp the humor… but I'm pretty sure Madonna has heard of Sean Penn.

It takes a dedication to the craft, I guess.

Fair enough… also, sorry, just venting a little LOTR spleen.

You're citing 'Fellowship of the Rings' as a counter-example? If you give a damn about quality, when you're watching a movie that gets pulled along by its plot like a fucking roller coaster car, you should recognize that its for people who're impressed by special effects and take off.

I once read that your knees, pressed together, have evolved so that they look like your ass cleavage? What's up with that?

You can say "Kiwi" if you want, but I prefer the original appellation: Chinese Gooseberry.

'Round heyah we call it a snatch patch.

You fools are full of more junk than a sausage.

Also: do baristas have more than meets the eye?

What are they converting/being converted to when you interrupt them?

There's a jewelry store in WI that's having a 'Second Coming Sale'… the owner went on a "holy land tour" and lost his shit, apparently.

What the prequel'll really be called
Alien: In Tha Playa's Club

Yeah, he's all old-fashioned and conservative, and she keeps encouraging him to think outside of the box.

If you're bored, I can find something for you to do.