Mister Digits

Fun fact
When the kids are hiding in the barn and Mitchum is seen riding by in silhouette, that's actually a midget on a pony.

Can you believe Dolph Lundgren has an advanced degree in chemical engineering? Just assin'.

While she may not have any "signature role" (or whatever), her oeuvre has formed a gestalt.

A cossack showing us his "O" face?

Stephen Hawking?

I'm told that if one has been partaking of the cheeba it can be particularly satisfying.

Better than exhaling igneous verse, dawg.

On their backs for the most part, amiright?

Extra pickles, hold the lettuce,
Pissing on your grave won't upset us…

Word up.

Are you from Marquette?

The stars at night
Who straightened Pee-Wee out? Last I heard, he thought that Raw is held in the Alamo's basement.

Admittedly, to say that crack was obvious would be… obvious.

Need I add?
This episode was brought to you by the number 34 and the letter D.

The reason Fox aired this
Is because it features an 'Oz' reunion: Kirk Acevedo, Scott William Winters, Lance Reddick. Duh.

You know, Juanito, I was a conquistador, and found 'Aguirre' to be rather unrealistic. Thus, I cannot like it.

Coolin' by day then at night workin' up a sweat.

Sure, but as it came out in the 1990s that'd be a moot point.

What about the Beastie Boys' 'Shadrach'? It's a great song, but rotoscope stage footage loses its charm pretty quick, at least as far as I'm concerned.

If I'm not mistaken, the dude who's managing the Zinema up here in Duluth used to run the Draft House (?), and he brought that feature with him. Saw
'Haxan' with live score October 30th. It was… slowly building to peaks and winding in and out?