
I've always theorized Darnielle may be a secret Targ.

I liked Hazards… I've never really understood the people who say it's too dense or they can't follow the narrative. It's a really simple story. I thought it was just a really interesting work (but not close to my favorite album of theirs) and an impressive challenge for the band.

That's for the chaperone dads who were forced to come make sure their 15 year old daughters don't wind up collapsed in the sahara tent

There are plenty who hate all 3.

I've been plenty of times, I know the drill. There plenty I'm excited for… War on Drugs, Father John Misty, Run the Jewels, Jenny Lewis. Just the first two rows of every day are like a nightmare parade of bands/people I don't like. Compared to 2012, or even last year, this headliner class is just a massive

I'm literally distraught over this lineup. I'm not sure I could have dreamed up a worse collection of acts for the top two lines as far as my tastes are concerned. AC/DC? Fucking DRAKE… CLOSING? WHYYYYYY

Top of my anticipation list is the new Father John Misty album. All the songs from it that I heard him play live were astounding.

Their second album been on the short list for top album of the year for virtually every critic out there… Sooooo yeah, think missing this one is probably on you

Picking one song seems impossible to me. I think the least I can do is 10 (in no particular order):

I keep trying to like New Pornographers but the only songs that ever click for me are the Neko songs. And then I just want to go listen to Neko albums.

I really prefer the acoustic version he's been doing live over the recorded single:

Mail kimp disapproves

Father John Misty.

I still need to do some re-listening, but right now my list is:

Is "Fade" just not mentioned because it is still pretty new? Because it is pretty great.

1. Annoying high pitched screechy voice
2. Goofy as shit lyrics
3. Insufferable bombast

Ahhh, the joys of "clowning"

Mail… Kimp?

That PI call on him was total bullshit though.

Death is the quickest way to become legendary.