
If only the good die young, I'm going to live forever.

If there's anything less funny than Tim & Eric, I haven't found it yet. I guess you have to be stoned or something?

I like both of these bands and wish they would stop being embarrassing.

I want to see Peyton Manning eat this abomination and then try to run around a football field.

The obesity epidemic begins in South Korea… right now.

AC/DC might be worse than Kiss. They have three fucking albums with "Rock" right in the fucking title. That should be a felony. Three strike rule, lock them up forever.

I love Oasis' early stuff. KISS would probably be my #1 band to go back in time and murder before they ever picked up instruments. Insufferable clown men who epitomize spectacle over substance.

Somehow I feel like this will appeal to millennials in the same way the Big Bang Theory "appeals" to nerds… not at all.

This is like winning the lottery if they stopped printing tickets in 1996.

What have we done to deserve this?

Rob Schneider is… an L block!

If the Darkness is "actual rock" then I guess I have no interest in "actually rocking". Not to mention I never said I was a Strokes fan, just that Is This It was universally acclaimed (which it was). Glad you feel qualified to discern what is and isn't trash though.

Sounds like you are middle-aged, white, and American.

Margot's trajectory is really puzzling. Their discography feels like intentional self-sabotage… that first album really is a gem though.

They have two hugely popular albums with multiple singles…

Wait wait wait…. you are hating on Is This It, a virtually universally acclaimed album with unquestionable influence stretching to today, in favor of a gimmicky retro band that harkened back to the days of embarrassing hair metal?

Pollard's next solo album should be out what… next week?

I've been listening to this album a lot over the past year or so after initially revisiting it in preparation for seeing a DPlan reunion show… and I feel like this one has aged really well. Travis was really at his lyrical best - contrary to the cringeworthy lyrics in his solo albums to come.

This was a really fun read. Love both bands. I was wondering how the hell D-Plan ended up playing the super late night set at Coachella this year and was kind of sad to hear that Travis didn't have that much fun. I had fun! The only people there were people who truly loved the band, a stark contrast from every other

I don't understand how they get away with that song. It's fucking terrible. A single listen destroyed every good memory of Absolution I had.