
This show seems less and less like a good idea with every update I read.

Hasn't everyone in the world done this stupid yet? It sure feels like it.

Y'all are bunch of negative nancies. Slugs rule, commenters drool.

I enjoyed the Halo games but I really don't understand how anyone has any affinity for Master Chief. He is so goddamn bland… literally zero personality and they couldn't even be bothered to give him a real name.

Love that Carmen Sandiego theme song sample.

This band registers to me as a not-quite-as-good version of Japandroids. Still enjoyable, but what I really want is Celebration Rock 2 every time I listen to their EP.

Can't agree more. Why this author feels qualified to write on the over-arching themes of the show when she routinely butchers basic plot points is beyond me. Her piece on rape was just as bad.

They called it the war of the nine-penny kings, though I never saw a king or earned a penny.

I was never into D&D, but I loved these books. I remember the characters but not much of the plot…

Yeah I don't get it either. I also find Jack White to be an insufferable twat as a person, so I'll admit that probably gets in the way a little.

I disagree, but without any respect. This review was shit. This author is an "Expert" but can't even identify Grenn as one of the 5 men in the tunnel? The review just seethed with irrational snootiness. Should the show have built up to this battle a little better? Yes. Should Stannis have arrived in the climax instead

Matchups are a huge deal. I would advise learning the game with ranged champions, melee champs are much harder to learn with because you get harassed so much while walking up to kill minions. At least until you get more comfortable; for example, Garen should shit on Akali. You just have to wait for a favorable minion

I was playing Illusion of Gaia when I got my dog and named him Seth in memorium of that strange little pink character. I think that was the first time it occurred to me that characters in games could actually die without just coming back with another life.

Snapchat allows people to send sexy pics without worrying about them showing up years later when they decide to run for mayor of NYC.

I think everyone thought of this joke immediately upon reading the headline. Congrats on being the first to hit the lay-up!

You say this as if Sarella and Alleras aren't the same person.

It looks like any of those guys could drop dead at any moment so this really isn't surprising.

Yeah, this is an extremely disappointing album. I loved their first two but this one just seems totally flat.

Good thing Wye Oak is name checked in this article, completely irrelevantly. It wouldn't be an AVC article without that lol

Except that's not what it is, and you clearly didn't read even one sentence of the article… good thing you took the time to comment. Valuable contribution!