
Wow good call on Beach Slang. I'm immediately reminded of Japandroids, which in my book is a great thing.

Yeah, new Yuck is really really disappointing. I liked a couple tracks off the album (Middle Sea, Rebirth, Lose My Breath) and "Another One" off this new EP is ok, but the rest of their output is just soooooo bland and tame. I hope Blumberg comes to regret wrecking what could have been a massively successful band.

Wow I had no idea the singer of semisonic was also involved in writing so many other well known songs. He seems like a real genuine dude that just loves music. Really enjoyed this piece.

You just paid the iron price, that's all.

Mmmmmmmmm…. that sweet sweet guitar tone.

Could be Dareon, the Night's Watch singer. Fitting for the actor's habit of playing dickhead womanizing musicians.

If you don't like it, why listen to it or comment here? Why does it need to go away? Just don't listen to it and leave the people who like it alone. Not hard.

The football gimmick is kind of dumb, but it sounds good to me.

Too commercial for a guy named after a soda brand?


So basically your attitude towards music is "I'd rather not think critically, I'm just going let my gut decide based on superficial aesthetics instead of actually listening".

There. I hope YOUR happy.

I feel like people are just *trying* to like this so hard. Speak out against it in any way and they act like you just insulted their mother or something.

Jeez you show-only people are impatient! The books are about character development, not battles. This episode had so many great moments… and you got Sam the frickin Slayer! Drunk Tyrion! Tons of boobs!

I actually kind of like her death. GRRM loves to kill characters before their story arc can resolve (Ned, Oberyn, etc.) so it seems only fitting that show invented characters might also be susceptible to this.

Pete Wentz isn't even the singer. He's just the bassist who writes the lyrics and is basically the media shield for the rest of the band, who are actually quite talented.