
I too will be sorry to see this go (so much so I am motivated to post when I essentially never do). As someone who only got into metal in recent years, this has been a fantastic gateway to a lot of fantastic music I probably would never have known about, both in the articles, and then the comment threads. Thanks!

or for the uncut stuff:
The gist is that ranks are too artificial, and so we need a new system that takes into account evolutionary history/relatedness with less shoehorning. Its the source of some really bitter conflict between taxonomists.  A good number are

I'm glad somebody else got as annoyed at that as I did.  I enjoyed much of the rest of the episode, and I don't mind most of the pseudo-science that Fringe puts out there, but this was lazy bullshit.  There's hogwash science that plays fast and loose with the science that we know, and there's hogwash science that