
No mention of Live Songs?  BOO.

Branching off of Tasha's familiarity point, I'd love to see punk/indie nostalgia shows vanish forever.  All the reunions and "we play the album you all love!" shows could go away and bands could maybe, just maybe, try being restlessly creative and forward-thinking again.  Getting rid of the familiarity thing in the

"When I Write My Master's Thesis" is a totally great reworking of Dylan's "When I Paint My Masterpiece".  That amuses me.  I like this record more and more every time I listen to it.  The best thing Samson ever did was leave Propagandhi so they could become butt-rock and he could write Reconstruction Site.

This is the best shirt ever.  I'm so glad I bought it months ago.  Joy Division is one of my favorite bands, and Disney World is one of my favorite places.  I like to celebrate my contradictions completely unironically. 

It's so weird/adorable when people get all serious about "rock & roll".  In 2012.

That Royal Headache record has some great, great songs on it.  And the singer has an incredible voice.  The production really bugs me, though, to the point that it took multiple listens before the hooks jumped out at me.  I don't mind a record sounding dirty, but it's just so damn TREBLY.  The rhythm section takes a

I figured Leonard Cohen would be part of this, but I hoped it'd be "Closing Time."  That bridge is brutal and perfect.

That first Hey Mercedes LP is easily the best thing Bob Nanna's ever done.

I definitely agree re: Shellac and Screeching Weasel, but I feel completely opposite about New Order.  I think of Republic as basically "Regret" plus a bunch of inferior songs.  Get Ready was an excellent experiment for them, and WFTSC had some great classic-NO type songs.  Even if it was sequenced totally horribly.