Bob Lawblah Lobs Law Bomb

In related news, my lawsuit is still pending to get back the $15 that "Core" cost me on CD.

My predictions:

In the book, Tywin addresses this directly, basically taking the attitude that sometimes it's better/easier to win with letters than swords.  And he didn't give much of a shit about whether Walder Frey violated guest rights, since that was on Walder's honor.

Yes, Oberyn and the Martells need to be introduced first.  It would be too out of left field for Oberyn to champion Tyrion against the Mountain if they didn't have some relationship and some exposition about Elia.  It also wouldn't make much sense for a Martel to be sit in judgment during Tyrion's trial if he just

I clicked through for the Steakflower reference.

Yeah, I don't really get what Mendes brings to the game that you couldn't get from a dozen other hired guns, especially if you have to wait on him.  I bet anyone from HBO's stable of directors would give you just as much at half the price.

But only if he makes things be colors other than blue and orange this time.

"1st and 10: Do It Again" parody or GTFO!

He should just keep making wine instead.

And gets it on with her cousin.

above the waist it will be the star and the below the waist it will be the doubles"

I want Yahoo's writers with AVC's commentariat, and then I want the Onion to purchase Tumblr.

He told KROQ’s Kevin And Bean that it was a “no-brainer” joining the group….

I predict that "M:I:6" will contain scenes of Tom Cruise discussing how impossible something will be, doing that impossible thing, then discussing how hard it was to do.

But I already have a Kickstarter to keep Morrissey off Twitter.

Seriously, though, NBC would be stupid not to throw a pile of cash at the cast and creators to do, say, a 6 episode miniseries in order to try to get people to watch NBC again.