
I am lame and ashamed.

george washington.

I call him Daddy!

As a little nerd girl, I read our local library's entire sf collection, which included all - ALL - Gor books.

Having recently seen Grindhouse, I'd rather think of Rose McGowan as Deja Thoris.

The big wheel way rocked, but I also had a 'crazy car' where you crank the two wheels on either side with your hands, giving you a zero turn radius and an excellent, pre-teen dizzy buzz.

Hung 21: Air Hung

How did Dan Savage put it? Pressed canned ham dropped from about 5 stories up?

naughty bits if you're sensitive.

Not shaved, just migrated to a different part of his body.

I did not know that.

I found contacts to be incompatible with a lifestyle that involves smoking anything including oak leaves rolled in shiny magazine pages and a pharmacopia bloodstream.

I am offended on behalf of math-club nerds everywhere.

Unless the ads become clever enough to be mistaken for comments. Then, I could just channel all my meager income directly to marketing executives, who will keep me fed, clean, happy, and snuggie warm.

Must be the salt. Or the tines.

Followed by giggling.

my bills are all for food, gas and utilities, and are mostly unpaid.

Ha ha ha ha hack argh hork kack

Ha ha ha ha ha! You all made me spill my popcorn!

Jean Teasdale?