
"It feels good to feel empty." I'm pretty sure he's talking about emptying his bladder and not his soul, but you never know. Nasim Pedrad is killing it, her character's everything Winston deserves.

Teenage Dream Katy Perry was primo Katy Perry.

Her style doesn't always work for me but when it does it, it really, really does, this song included.

I'm gonna throw my hat in for Roman Holiday, which also floats around the top of my favorite movies list. I remember thinking right before the ending that there's no way they're gonna keep them apart, that would be way too good of an ending. Then, they did. So good. It also being my first Audrey Hepburn movie probably

I agree only because that's their endgame. The writers can make them work together but knowing that they aren't just kind of deflates their scenes a little.

"I look like if Lebron James turned around." Brilliant.
I love that they've fully embraced Winston as America's Sweetheart and completely nailed (intended) that roof scene. When New Girl's firing on all cylinders it's hard to top. Stay Blessed.

It bothers me how often I find Rob's voicing kicking around in my head. I don't know what it means, but I don't think it's good.

Even though I've seen that interview like 3 or 4 times, my brain can just never accept that that's actually her voice.

I've said it before, but I still can't believe the show can still make such quality episodes, there're just too many good things it does. My soul exploded on that last bit though, nothing makes the heart warm like a solid Louise slap. Good for you, Rudy.

As another Brian, this comment chain disturbs me.

This is more accurate. I wish he just had some blank stare when he turned, but it's always some weird attempt at a, I wanna say, smile? Either way, very uncomfortable.

This is just the best fucking news. The world could always use more Craig Ferguson.

I know there's potential to overstate just how good Michael's turn was when we found out where they actually were, but holy balloons was it just perfect. If this doesn't get picked up then NBC is just the freaking worst man. Anyway, I don't know where they could possibly go with this, the end game has to always be

Blake Bortles would never have 300 yards in the first half, but other than that this show just keeps hitting it out of the park. All I'm good for on this site is for sports words.

First Eagles-Cowboys game last year. It truly was a terrible game that led to the breaking of a Tony Romo.

Is saying Andrew Bird cheating since he works on Baskets? If not, then definitely that guy.

It's because he completely loves the game. He and Tirico were about as excited as any football fan I'd ever seen during the first Broncos-Chiefs game this year. Having announcers who give a shit is just a thousand times better to watch.

Poor Gruden, he misses his Tirico pairing, as we all do.

Troy Aikman's greatest gift to the announcing world: "This is not good football, this has been a terrible game to watch." Cue Joe Buck, "And with that, we welcome a new audience." They absolutely nail it sometimes.

Melancholy Hill - Gorillaz, or really any Gorillaz song.