Eee E

Random thoughts a week or two later
Watching this show reminded me how bitter I still am about LOST. I would see something like the flickering light or the ship cabin number and think, at first, "That means something" and "I should remember that!"

I know I'm late to the game but I am so glad that people do not like The Big Bang Theory. I feel like the laugh track is trying to coerce me into thinking something is funny when it is just an observation. I've watched maybe 4 episodes - i kept trying - but in the end I just cant' do it - the laugh track laughs at

I've read alot of these, but not all, so sorry if this has been said. A friend of mine pointed out that it was a really shitty way for the MIB to die after maybe 2000 years of struggle - shot in the back.

J'aime X-Files : Aux frontieres du reel !

Look, I was a little harsh. In the first instance because it literally kills me when people make the Nietzsche / Rand connection.

You should take some classes in Philosophy Blicero. I think you would like them. They will hone your close reading and critical thinking skills. You really are misunderstanding Nietzsche, and in such a broad and deep way that it is impossible for me or Cat Balls or Professional Philosopher or anyone else to want to

They all decide to stay and "live together" with Jack, that's what ultimately frees them to leave. Like the kiss that awakens sleeping beauty.

Um, Objectivism is Ayn Rand. Rand's Philosophy and Nietzsche's Philosophy are entirely different. Ayn Rand even said that she disagreed with Nietzsche, and Nietzsche wouldn't have given Ayn Rand the time of day.
You display absolutely no understanding whatsoever of Nietzsche.
That is not at all what Also sprach

Lucas's Nightmare
I have decided that the only way this can work is if next season opens with this lame ending having been Lucas's nightmare.

Have I said this before? Anyway I still sometimes think that the way it goes back to the Dharma Initiative film :

That's kind of my point. Back then I really didn't like Shannon at all. I mean how could someone translating French really see the word "Eternite" and say "Infinity…no, Eternity!" lol. I thought she was whiny and selfish and lazy and manipulative and ultimately not that interesting. But somehow, looking back, she was

I have to say that I recently re-watched some of season 1 or 2 and I realized that I felt much more invested in Shannon's sadness at not being able to go to her prestigious dance internship in New York because of her evil stepmother than I was in anyone's fate in this epic origin story. That's right - I

Also, I hope your Nashville people are safe.

What Are We Going to Doooooo?
…When this show is over?

Just to say that, if the pilot is important…

One more thing..
I didn't see this mentioned but it is strange that Jack left the boat group because he used to be Mr. "Live Together: Die Alone"! I wonder if he will now die alone :-(

Ha ha! It was me! But only my own computer remembers my passwords!

Can someone please remind me when it was that Island Claire learned that Jack was her half-brother?

Well Nadia didn't really die in his arms, she died lying in the street with Sayid petting her.

I agree with @ObeseAlf, when @We want our film to be beautiful not realistic