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    This discussion about whether or not Bonnie knew that Wes killed Sam got me thinking. If she did know, then that provides an additional motive for her to kill Rebecca. Wes killed the person Bonnie was in love with, so Bonnie killed the person Wes was in love with.

    I think she just sees him as the son she never had and he fills that void for her. And she fills the mother void for him. I don't think it has to be literal by blood connection for those same very powerful emotions to come into play.

    I don't think Annalise "changed her mind" about framing Nate. She never said she regrets the decision. I think she always planned to do everything she could to help him after she framed him. She just did what she needed to do, and protecting Wes was (and still is) more important to her than protecting Nate. So she is

    She did say she would be mad at Frank for lying though. And idk, I think she believed that Frank would have done it to protect her, while she believes that Bonnie did it to preserve her memory of Sam. Like Bonnie HAD to convince herself that Rebecca killed Lila and then act on that conviction in order to convince

    Yeah, I immediately thought that they were outright telling us that Wes was her lover and he tried to kill her. Then I read the internet and I was like, "oh yeah, I guess a mystery would make more sense…" lol. Can we please discuss how they were dancing together like that in the club though?

    They might not have just been covering up the murder so that they wouldn't get charged and go to jail. They might have also been trying to hide their involvement from Annalise, who, in thier mind, would immediately suspect them if she got home and saw the body (since they have no idea that she already deliberately set

    Rebecca would go down for stealing the files off of Sam's laptop. That was why he attacked her and in that case HE could claim self defense (or have been seen as acting out of self defense). Remember, their future career success depends on Rebecca not going to jail.

    Calling the police would directly really hurt her client and ruin the high-profile case that she is working on… thus directly harming her own personal chances for career advancement and success. So I do think her actions were in line with her character here. At that point she still had no idea that a murder was

    I think the show is more just drawing attention to the fact that this is still the state of the world today. It's not condoning it. Also I think they were just trying to make Sam uber-hateable before he officially bit the bullet.

    It would also make Rebecca look way more guilty in the murder of Lila. She would look like a serial murderer.

    But it wouldn't make sense for them to be there when Annalise herself wasn't there. And them being there doing work would ruin the story she told Nate. She is every reason to manipulate them into covering this up.

    Annalise isn't going to want to represent the defendant in the case against her dead husband. How would that look, really?

    That's a good point, but I still think she has more going on then we can see yet. She herself doesn't want to appear connected to the murder in any way whatsoever. She would be a prime suspect if/when the public learns Sam was unfaithful.

    I miss the big reveals related to the murder plotlines. We haven't really learned anything new in awhile. We already suspected that Sam slept with Lila and maybe killed her. That isn't new. And the flash forwards are getting redundant. I used to feel like we learned something new in each flash foward. Not anymore. I

    I felt like Wes was serving that function for awhile, but he has barely been in the past couple of episodes. I want them to go back to telling most of the story from his point of view.

    The way I understood it was that, prior to this trial, it was decided that the boy would be tried as an adult. Then, due to the revelations about the abuse, public opinion shifted throughout the course of the trial. So when the mistrial was declared and another trial needed to be scheduled, that gave the case the

    I agree. I actually really like Wes. He is the only character with any real warmth, and he was easy for me to relate to since he is finding out things at the same time the audience is. Plus the contrast between him in present day and him in the flash forwards is intriguing. He shows more character development than the