
Yeah, Julia looks more gorgeous every time I see her.

Blah, that was not well-worded. And I wrote "two" where I meant to write "too".

NBC has been freaking inconsistent about airing new episodes of shows this year too. They had new episodes this week, but had none the two weeks before the last new episodes (at least on Thursdays and with Chuck). I think they had a two week break before those new episodes two. What the fuck is going on with

Lose the Yelp! At least for a song or two…
Jeff's voice has changed so much. You never hear him sing like he did in "Kamera" or "She's a Jar" any more.

come on, man
The show has always had stretches of episodes where the drama and action takes over. Please, go ahead and try to convince me it doesn't do action way better than it used to and that it doesn't do drama at least as well.

I agree with this group of people. Steve, c'mon!

You can borrow my username for a little while if you want.

I'm thinking…
Arrested Development is a one in the history of the world type thing that owed its greatness to it's cast. Hurwitz has been pretty awful since AD. The cast, however, has done pretty well. Portia was golden in Better Off Ted and cera keeps doing his awkward thing that I somehow haven't gotten tired of

Outsourced? Dammit, I make sure no TV in my house is turned to NBC when that show is on. We need to start a campaign to get it off the air and Parks and Rec back on. Don't watch it, tell others not to watch it (let them watch P and R season 2 to convince them), and go audition for a part in Outsourced just so you

They've mishandled her character badly by removing any of the viewer's sympathy and making it so obvious what she is: a Womanchild. That point lacked any bit of subtlety.

God, I love bitterness with a glaze of irony.