Whiz Palace

Hey, Christian Bale and Morgan Spurlock suffered for their roles too.


They had two intertitles - one for if they won at least one Emmy, and, if they didn't, another one that just says "we know where you live, ha ha".

Should've been "well, get on with it, motherf-"

"Hat-osexual" was one of them.

Consulting criminal.

He said some wonderful things.

The writers of Regular Show are wasting quite a bit of talent.

Remember when there was a big pit?

Remember when there was a big pit?

It was disappointing to see him fall back on that "well, I thought it was cool, if you didn't like it that's your problem" thing in his AV Club interview. He seems like he should be above that sort of thing, you know?

It was disappointing to see him fall back on that "well, I thought it was cool, if you didn't like it that's your problem" thing in his AV Club interview. He seems like he should be above that sort of thing, you know?

I didn't quite catch that… what show did you fear Parks & Rec is becoming, and in which season did that show begin to decline?

I didn't quite catch that… what show did you fear Parks & Rec is becoming, and in which season did that show begin to decline?

Dwight is all talk; Ron follows through. That makes a big difference.

Dwight is all talk; Ron follows through. That makes a big difference.