*high fives HP* Put 'er there!
*high fives HP* Put 'er there!
I'm with Jason Heller on the hardcover book thing.
HP, I wish we were friends in real life so I could witness your reactionary rage at mundane things and furious mock high-fiving in person.
It makes me happy.
Awe, J Dawg, don't be sad. By the way, the funny part to me isn't the high-fiving, it's the fact that The Harvard Professor is seemingly mad at the fact that commenters on the AV Club sometimes share certain opinions, and that he expresses his disgust with mock high-fives. Hilarious.
"… even though the infuriating cupcake trend is at least ten years old at this point, why shouldn't they?"
I don't care if it's old. New to me. And amusing, in an it's so stupid and stale it's funny kind of way. High five to Rosie Ruiz! *air five*
All these high-fiving shenanigans are making me laugh harder than anything on the AV Club for quite some time. So, uhh, high five to that? Hell yeah, high five to that!!
High five to high-fiving! Fuck yeah, I fuckin' love high-fiving. Up high! Yeah!
Well, high five back at ya!!
Maybe they'd like to use my rap song, "Smurfette, a ho?" on the soundtrack. You know there' s going to be Smurfette is the only girl jokes galore that will fly right over the little kiddies' heads.
Where is that picture with Leno, Oprah and Letterman from? I vaguely remember the commercial, but don't remember what it was for, or the premise.
Cue Dr. Drew appearing on every show known to man talking about prescription drug addiction.
Vince Vaughn is the new Dan Akroyd.