Jon Snow

Or, and this is much better, add her to the long list of inexplicably famous yet weirdly unattractive women shitting all over not just decent comedies but everything.

Taste tests
We need more of these. Unfailingly amusing. I propose it be made a weekly event. The staff seems to love it and the readers sure as shit do. Maybe if I started a facebook group guerrilla internet campaign…

The toffee and almonds symphony bar is fantastic. I have like an anti-sweet tooth and I still love those things.

If Ricky Henderson is going to be the best Ricky Henderson Ricky Henderson can be then Ricky Henderson has to reach the proper level of Ricky Henderson-tude. Ricky Henderson has to make his Rickey Henderson-ness more Ricky Henderson-like.

Is there a way to submit that first line for some kind of lede Pulitzer? So great.

The "FUCKIN' ______, HOW DO THEY WORK?!" jokes get every damn time. So in a weird way I owe a debt to the ICP and in turn the Juggalos for keeping ICP around long enough to make that horrible video. So thanks, Juggalos, I guess?

They can't sue if they are all dead.

My girlfriend won't let me cook her steak anymore. I just can't bring my self to make it as well done as she likes. It hurts me too much to waste a good steak like that.

Irony will indeed be a bitch that day.

why would you want to stop thinking about the word twatwaffle? It's great. Say it slow. Then say it fast a bunch of times. Really savor that "ff."