Rob C

I'm convinced no one would give a shit about Confederacy of Dunces if not for the circumstances of its publishing. On its merits, I'm sorry to say, it sucks.

Gravity's Rainbow was the first thing I thought of when I read the headline on this Q&A, except that I got to the end and thought, man, that was a lot of effort for so little reward. There were moments I really dug, but not enough of them. Same with Mason & Dixon. I reckon I'm done with Pynchon after those two.

"I find it incredibly powerful that Lee retains the overhead setup of the booth where the four kids sat"
This shot is the one that makes my chest tighten when I'm watching this movie. The implication that the three guys have jumped up from the booth signals that the violence is just about to begin, and I'm always

What I liked about Blood's a Rover was the way it seemed to combine the strengths of the Underworld USA Trilogy (political intrigue) and the LA Quartet (sick crimes) into one book. I think it's one of Ellroy's best.