
Everyone I know loves Midnight Madness. Of course, we all grew up with HBO in the early 80s when it was on all the time. I bought the DVD years ago, and pull it out to watch it about once a year. It definitely holds up. It'll hold up to the 7 year old inside everyone. It may be little seen, but I wouldn't call it

Was 1996 the year Mother Mother came out? First time I heard that was leaving work one night. I've wanted to father Tracy Bonham's kids from the first EVERYTHING'S FINE!

Cersei Lannister. You've got the three Lannisters along with the two (known) surviving Starks. And throw in Daenerys for the shits and giggles. Maybe it's forshadowing how it will play out. Tyrion wins in the end with Daenerys and Sansa as his sister wives.

It's Jaime Lannister. At least that's who it looks like to me.

"War. It's fantastic." That line (and smirk to the camera) almost made me fall out of my seat in the theater laughing so hard. No other line in any other movie has done that to me. Best. $1 movie. Ever. Thank you for including Part Deux in the list. It's a great send up.

I went through 12 years of Catholic school with 95% laypeople so no nun abuse, and I too am grateful for the education it provided as well as the sense of community. Other than that, I really don't attribute my other traits to my time with Catholicism. Maybe my jadedness. I guess as I have gotten older I have grown

Fun(ner?) fact: JC:S features a pre-porn Paul Thomas as Peter.

I've always enjoyed that song as well. I like that it was added in to the stage version in the 90s. Just wish they would have added "Then We Are Decided" as well.

I personally would like to see a remake of "Tommy." Not really a fan of the Ken Russell take on it, nor the movie soundtrack. As good as the original album is, it should get another go at. With the popularity of film-to-Broadway-back-to-film adaptations I'd kinda like to see the Broadway version done. At least the

As to Cersei, according to her, or what she tells Ned at least, she had been raped before several times I think by Robert. So, maybe she has a coping mechanism to be able to block out Jamie raping her. Of course the rape by Jamie is totally different in that it was perpetrated by someone she loves dearly unlike Robert.

And it could have been worse. Didn't Ramsay force Reek to orally prepare Fake Arya on the wedding night in A Dance with Dragons?

I'm a relatively new Nick Cave fan. I only discovered him about 10 years ago because I was one of those people that really liked that Mercy Seat song that Johnny Cash covered and figure I should check out the original. Huge fan since. Anyway, I was lucky enough to see him recently, and his concert was the most

Murray's commentary of Public Enemy may be the funniest thing on The Goldbergs so far.

I'm with you. Don't get the positive reviews.

Fell asleep about 45 minutes in so I missed the block party and Tony not being returned back home. Three episodes in, and I'm hoping after the season someone online mashes just the Russ (with a smattering of Tom, Gwen, and maybe Eve if she wakes up), Carter/Aubry, and Hector storylines together into one show to make

Yeah. The clips at the end look like the show is nothing but ripped from the headlines fare.

Yes. That's the puppet of my nightmares. Thanks for the lack of sleep tonight.

My friends and I hung out in a Burger King parking lot most weekends. A friend worked there and it was a central location for everyone to meet up at before actually going out. Of course no one could ever think of anything to do so the 10 or so of us would just hang in the parking lot each weekend. Rarely, but

That doll's head looked like it had been removed from one of the LazyTown puppets. I can't unsee it.