
Where can I find me a man like Ryan Shay?

I wish!

I wish!

At least it's not another show about how cool the ultra rich are.

At least it's not another show about how cool the ultra rich are.

I think it's way ahead of "Back up musician for Lana del Rey" or "Tosh.0 staffer who eats gross things."

I think it's way ahead of "Back up musician for Lana del Rey" or "Tosh.0 staffer who eats gross things."

they're saving that for season three, when she gives birth to 101 Dalmatians  Actually, Lana Parilla as Cruella De Vil would be pretty sweet.

they're saving that for season three, when she gives birth to 101 Dalmatians  Actually, Lana Parilla as Cruella De Vil would be pretty sweet.

Some episodes require something stronger. I here if you take mescaline and marathon it, the whole series is both coherent and emotionally resonant.

Some episodes require something stronger. I here if you take mescaline and marathon it, the whole series is both coherent and emotionally resonant.

So….  I should watch Vampire Diaries instead?

So….  I should watch Vampire Diaries instead?

That was a pretty great reveal

That was a pretty great reveal

And they did it without a Honey Boo Boo reference!

And they did it without a Honey Boo Boo reference!

At some point, I started shouting at my computer screen "Don't blow this, Penny, he's too pretty!"

At some point, I started shouting at my computer screen "Don't blow this, Penny, he's too pretty!"

Wait, it's Revenge meets The Cape with ABS? Done and done