
Truth. Makes "Quiz Show" unwatchable in my opinion.

Iliza has all the tools in the toolbox but for some reason they don't hang together just right. I agree with Upadhyaya in that the best bit here was the Shark Tank stuff she did. Her rapid-fire manic delivery was on point and when she gets a little unhinged, she's entertaining.

Best line of the season so far is the "negligible/negligent" joke by George.

During a script table read someone adept at spotting crappy dialogue said it sounded like a telephone conversation so they added that line to the script for "Electric".

I'm astonished at how frequently the word "peak" is misspelled.

Not sure what I hate more: that "distressed" Benz Dennis drives around or Dennis and his mother naked in a milk bath. I'm gonna hurl. I hate that phony-baloney car of his. And Chip's bicycle, and the way he rides it and the stupid basket in the front.

Yup. Credit sequence looks like SNL spoofing a sitcom.

I hate his bike and the way he rides it.

I think you meant to shout "SPOON!"

I never understood the appeal of Graham Parker. His nasal vocal delivery, drowning every melismatic vowel sound in the back of his throat is enough to turn me off let alone that almost all of his songs just kind of plateau and never peak. Sure "Hey Lord, Don't Ask Me Questions" is fine but "Get Started, Start a Fire"

It's a metaphor for failed US foriegn policy. Couple of well-meaning Yanks go globe-trotting, giving money to strangers in strange lands but forget to learn about the countries they are visiting.

"Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)"

Correction: Simon played record producer "Tony Lacey", not himself, in "Annie Hall".

Let's stop talking about Iliza's physical attractiveness. It has nothing to do with how funny a woman comic is. Zero. Zip it. No one cares what Bill Burr looks like.

What do the horrible millennial kitchen supply owner and Lenny have in common? Both are so squarely self-absorbed as to not honor the basic social contract, the existence of others. So what? So what the episode is saying is that if you act like this character (Andrea) you may end up like this character (Lenny).

"Is it a crisis or a boring change?" — S. Malkmus on Mad Men, season 7.

That statement is six words too long.

Anyone else get a look at what the middle backup singer for Alabama Shakes was wearing? It was sheer and apparently sans pantaloons.

She looks a lot like a woman I used to be in love with so, y'know … GIRL BE PRETTY! MAN BE DUMB! Seriously Iliza is going to get a letter grade bump from me just for being amazing on the eyes. Oh, and the amusing Instagram feed.

TLDR. Sorry. "WDSTF" does not warrant this much electronic ink. Next up, the high-falutin' stylings of Starship with "We Built This City"!