It was read to us in fourth grade - I loved it.
It was read to us in fourth grade - I loved it.
She is dancing around the question of whether or not she is a slut for enjoying the young men's attention without wanting to be their girlfriend.
I'm sure everyone else did what I did and immediately googled "toaster fetish"
Yeah, I was kind of "Aw, Phil…." that he didn't see it coming with Evil!Jennifer.
I mean if Linda Perry wrote it—she’s really unattractive—and, if she had Pink sing it—Pink is a man that dresses like a lady sometimes.
All excellent points - if we were talking about a show where characters do things for reasons, and plot developments make total sense in the light of what has gone before.
No, he blended right in with the crew.
Next is "Before Last Call"?
I like him so much, and this looks so bad. Did he base the character off of Joey Tribbiani?
I don't think she's crazy for still being hurt by something that happened when she was younger. But obviously contacting the guy would be the worst possible course of action.
The first comment at The Stranger (Dan's own paper) called the letter-writer a "hysterical shrew". So….
He's been too much in the background for this to be an effective plot twist right now. He needs an episode or two taking a more active role before he gets booted.
Am I a terrible hypocrite for clucking my tongue disapprovingly at last week's penile-torture scene, but being pretty darned okay with this week's penile-torture scene?
Like this reviewer. I also don't think that anything dramatic or shocking is going to happen in the last couple episodes of this season.
Theon may very well have interesting things to do later.
She was great in both roles.
This for emphasis:
No no: that novel has similes like a Mexican DOESN'T hate fireworks.