
True, and they became an exception by explicitly distancing themselves from the rest of television. Their name is home box office for a reason

agreed. much better than jackass imo

Jen kirkman called him out recently but not by name. Lots of people refused to come forward about Cosby for years, I don't think it's that hard to comprehend. And lastly maybe they don't want to go through the rest of their comedy career as "the comedian that Louis CK sexually assaulted." You can choose to believe it

A lot of people in the comedy scene seem to believe it's true but I agree it's not gonna really come out till he's not selling out theaters.

Never realized that was Bill Burr in that sketch

Man I just found that first scene insanely off-putting. I'm just tired of these exchanges Louis has where the other person is this insane strawman. In real life every person I know who's met him says the guy's a huge asshole, but on his show he's this sweet, self-deprecating lug. It's annoying. And the dialogue rang

Ya that first season with him was probably the show's nadir, but the character himself was great and they really went great places with him the season after. He might actually have been the best character on the show

true. Also the pauses between different people speaking seem so unnatural. And the jokes are bad

Malik has been pretty perfect so far

Ya I almost thought it was going to be a perfect episode and then Kevin shows up at the end. At least now that they're not sneaking around he might not be such a killjoy.

I watched it as it aired and the WB clearly advertised it as a series finale.

It helps that Angel's last season was its best (imo) and Buffy's was not great.

Scrawler's a woman

Is it a searing indictment? I just feel like it's a cheap heartless thriller with a really good lead performance at its center.

nightcrawler was trash

Also why do Jessa and Adam think it was ok for him to not even mention this new relationship? Like couldn't he have at least told her over the phone that he wants to move on?

Is he almost 30? I had actually assumed he was in his mid/early twenties. Ya that's a bit off

Ya I agree. Doesn't help that he shows up with his bf at the worst possible time for patrick

This is honestly my favorite episode of the show so far. Patrick's meltdown speech could easily have been cliched but, for me, felt authentic.